Backing up emails to a private GMAIL

Backing up emails from the Mail server to a private Gmail server (including contacts backup).



Step A – password for e-mail backup

  1. Enter your personal area

  2. Follow the instructions detailed in the following images:


Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account


Step B – Changing security permissions

  1. Login into your University email

  2. Follow the instructions detailed in the following images:


Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Step C – Importing the e-mails to the private Gmail address

  1. Log in to your private Gmail account

  2. Follow the instructions detailed in the following images:


Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account


It might take a few hours before you see all the emails


Step D – Exporting contacts from the university Mail server

  1. Login into your University email

  2. Follow the instructions detailed in the following images:


Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account


Step E Importing contacts to the private Gmail address

  1. Log in to your private Gmail account

  2. Follow the instructions detailed in the following images:


Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account



Backup emails from mail server to private Gmail account




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