Setting up & Assigning students/lecturer in a course that wasn’t created in TAUSis
There are two types of courses:
Courses created in TAUSis, e.g. ones that already exist in the Moodle
Courses not created in TAUSis, and thus must be created in the Moodle
These instructions only deal with courses that have yet to be created, e.g. they don’t currently exist.
The course is not in the Moodle.
It must be created, followed by setting up users and assigning them to it.
Step A – Downloading three files and changing their names
Download the following two files:
To download the file course.csv
To download the file people.csv
To download the file signup.csv
After downloading these files, their names must be changed.
Add an underscore followed by the number of the department.
For example:
If the number of the department is 1234
The filenames will be changed thus:
To change the filename, right-click on the file and choose Rename from the menu, as detailed in the following screenshot:
Step B – Filling out the forms
The forms must be filled out, with particular attention to the details shown in the following images:
Step C - Uploading the files
Go to the file-loading website
The list of services allowed to you will appear and you must select the desired service from it,
in this case - defining external users :
A file selection window opens that displays the partitions/directories on the local computer and/or the available drives and enables the selection of the file:
Clicking on the confirmation will result in the display of the list of uploads that have been performed (in descending order from the last that was uploaded backwards in time to the first) -
you can click on the file in each line and the file will be displayed:
This operation must be repeated for each file separately, until all files are loaded
In this case there are two files:
Step D – Completing the process
The following things happen for every person on the list:
If they have a university computer code:
- The system assigns them to the course
- The system sends them an e-mail containing instructions on the use of the Moodle system
If they don’t have a university computer code:
- The system creates a university computer code for them (the code needs to be reset)
- The system assigns them to the course
- The system sends them an e-mail that leads to a code reset and use of the Moodle system
The system sends a summary e-mail to the performer of the action at the end of the process.