TAUSis Permissions

Permission granting process


Definitions :

User – a university employee with TAUSis usage rights

  • User details – defines the username, personal details, workplace and role, user type and access options.

Permission – defines the right to view/add/update/delete data in TAUSis.

Permission types:

  • UPRV Permissions – define user categories, permitted departments, degree classification, permissions for travel forms and bidding
  • UPRF Permissions – define permissions for access to all system menus
  • Permissions for reports


Process breakdown :

  1. To add an employee to the TAUSis permissions list, please submit a request in writing to Orli Shapirah (Student Management System Permissions Coordinator) at orlis@tauex.tau.ac.il
  2. Parties qualified to submit a request for the granting of permissions are:
  • At the faculty/school – the Administrative Deputy to the Dean of the Faculty or their equivalent; Assistant to the Administrative Deputy to the Student and Teaching Dean or their equivalent; Computing Coordinators
  • At the Registry and Student Administration Division – Division Head, Deputy Division Head; Student Administration Services Manager; deputy managers; Head of Operators
  • At other units – Unit Manager; Deputy Unit Manager; Computing Coordinators
  1. The request to grant permissions will be in writing on the prerequisite forms, in addition to free text in accordance with the scope of permissions necessary for the employee to perform their role.
  2. The Information Security Coordinator will be qualified to apply their own discretion  regarding requested permissions, and the permission will be updated in coordination with the Information Systems Manager for Student Administration. The update regarding the change in permissions will be sent to the requesting party.
  3. The Information Security Coordinator will terminate/cancel permissions for employees whose employment has ended or who have moved from one role to another, and also freeze permissions for employees (in accordance with the details being updated in the permissions systems) who have abused the permission granted to them. In any event, the Information Security Coordinator will inform the Manager of Student Administration Information Systems in writing via e-mail; the latter will then take the details of the event to their direct superior and decide together with them how to proceed.
  4. Unit managers and Computing Coordinators are responsible for informing as to any changes in roles, retirement or any other change necessitating an update of permissions, in addition to updating the HR system.
  5. The Information Security Coordinator will produce a yearly report to be sent to the Assistant Administrative Deputy to the Dean or their equivalent for an inspection of the validity of existing permissions for faculty/unit users. Permissions will be changed or canceled in accordance to the reply received after the inspection of the report.


Role changing and overlap periods :

Employees transferring to roles that require different permissions for their new roles will do the following, as long as they are within the overlap period in their previous role: the Computing Coordinator in the new role will create a new computer code (“temporary code”) for the transferring staff member. The new code (“temporary code”) will include all the permissions of the new role, and thus they will have both the original code from their original role and the new code for the new role.

At the end of the overlap period, the permissions from the new code will be copied over to the old code, and the new code will be deleted.



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